I can still remember, like it was yesterday! Friday, June 22nd, 2007, standing near the rooftop bar of the Clarendon Ballroom, in Arlington, Virginia. The thing that caught my eye about Patrick, was his Smile! I was on my annual visit to the area to see my best friend Eileen and her family. On the very last night of my visit, we decided on a spur of the moment, girls night out on the town. The stranger with the beautiful smile walked by, and as he passed, I simply said, " Hey Handsome, are you going to keep walking by, or are you going to come say hello to us, because I really think you should say Hello"! He came over, and there was an instant connection, we had so much in common. That night we talked and, laughed and danced, and enjoyed each other's company. As the night drew to an end, we went our separate ways. I knew in my heart he would call, and the next morning, I received a text message from my new friend. For the next couple of days we learned more about each other through our extensive phone conversation and by Sunday, he had reserved his tickets to come visit me in Boston. From that day forward, against the odds, we've worked hard to make our long distance relationship a success. The love that we have for one another, was present that very first weekend, and has continued to grow throughout the years..... We are best friend's and soul mates and the love we share so strong. We couldn’t begin to imagine, life without one another....So we begin, the next chapter of our lives, together......

Our real life fairytale wedding, will take place on the beautiful island of Barbados. The romantic and very intimate ceremony, will take place in just 3 short months from now. On September 18th, 2010, I will walk down the aisle, to join the man of my dreams, and together we shall be joined togther as Husband and Wife. This will be an event to remember, and we can’t wait to share it with all of you!

Our fabulous, Barbados, beach reception will be something not soon forgotten, complete with steel band and unforgettable sunset. Please join us to celebrate our union as Mr. and Mrs. Glasper ! There will be dining, drinks, dancing, and we anticipate that an overall fabulous time shall be had by all!

Patrick and I would like to thank all of our dearest family and friends for celebrating with us. Many of you, have done so much, and made such a remarkable difference in our lives. We cherish the friendships and love you have given us. You all have blessed our lives and we can't wait to share our special day with you and yours! If you are unable to attend, we ask for your thought's and in prayer's on our very special day! Thank you for visiting our wedding website and honeymoon registry.